Seminar on Role, duties qualification of Radiation protection officers and Qualified Expert and Building their competence within national strategy for education and training in radiator safety

Tue, Mar 26 2019 12:36 PM
Seminar on Role, duties qualification of Radiation protection officers and Qualified Expert and Building their competence within national strategy for education and training in radiator safety

Mr. Qadam Ali Sultani, head of the implementation of the nuclear technology, after a formal visit in Jordan in a program under the title of Role, duties qualification of Radiation protection officers and Qualified Expert and Building their competence within national strategy for education and training in radiator safety, presented a seminar about his achievements to AAEHC experts.

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Madam President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

On behalf of the people and government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, I express my deepest condolences to Director-General. . .

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